Post 1: Who am I?

Hi people! 
This is my first blog. Today I'm going to talk about me.

 My name is Kiara Choque, I was born in 2000.  Actually I'm studing architecture in the University of Chile, in Santiago, before then I was studing in the "Liceo Bicentenario Araucanía", in Villarrica.

 My family is conformed for four person, my mom is Teresa, she is 42 years old, my sister is Sashiel she is 9 years olds, and my brother is Bryan, he is 21 years old, they are living in Pucón, I travell every weekend to visit there. 

In Santiago I live in a department with two friend and a boy. In my free time I like go to the disco with my friends, go to the cinema, and visit different places of Santiago. Also I have a cat, and a dog.

"The best city in south of Chile"
"Cats will dominate the world"


  1. Lie 1: You dont travel every weekend to visit your family.
    Lie 2: You haven't a cat and a dog.


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