Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

 Hello, everybody! Today I'm going to talk about a postgraduate degree I would like to do in the future.

At the present I'm in my second year of architecture in the fourth semester, and I haven't really thought much about the postgraduate degree I would like to take, I feel that over the time I have left in the career I might be able to change my mind.  

 However, I have some ideas in mind related to what I like today, as I mentioned in the previous publication, I am interested in sustainability, for this reason I think I would take a postgraduate degree in sustainable architecture. I would like to do this postgraduate abroad, as I believe that by interacting with different people from different cultures, learning is enriched, so it is possible to get a broader view of things. Although I would like to study abroad, I am a little afraid to be alone in a country I do not know, previously I have always traveled accompanied and for a short period of time.

 I would like to study in a part-time course, which would allow me to do other activities in the country where I will be, as I usually tend to get very stressed by dedicating myself to only one activity.

Resultado de imagen para sustentabilidad arquitectura


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