Post 5: My Future Job

 Good afternoon everyone, today I'm going to talk about my future job that I would like to have.

I haven't really thought about my future job, however, I think I would like to devote myself to a job related to the environment or people. Maybe I would like to work on sustainable architecture or sustainable urbanism, I think both fields involve the environment and affect it directly. At present, the construction industry is a big polluter, I would like to raise awareness about the need to take care of the environment, I would like to work with a sustainable architecture, if I plan a construction, I hope to use materials that do not generate much pollution. 

I would like to interact with the city, explore the streets, etc. Honestly, I would not like to work in an office, I think I would feel bored and stressed. I would love to travel a lot in my work, traveling is my favorite activity, I think it is interesting to know different places, architecture, culture and lifestyles. In this way, I could know other countries that perhaps currently have a sustainable functioning.

Last semester I took the courses "Principles of Habitability and Sustainability" and "Urban Sustainability". I liked these classes, I think they were very interesting. In the future, I hope to take a specialization in sustainable architecture. I would like a professional consistent with my ideology.

Resultado de imagen para arquitecto en terreno sostenibilidad


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