Post 8: Random things about me

Hello everybody, in this post I going to talk about random things in my life.

  When I was a girl, when I am six years old, I think that toys were alive, because I lost them all the time, always I found in different place where I had them. The reason why I think it is because I saw the film toy story, I loved this film but It me think crazy things.

  Other random thing about me is that I scared talk with adult person, my brother told me that I will have talk with other person all the time when I growing up, but I am really girl shy. Once he told me that ask an old man to in the bus, what was the time, then does this, I was very embarrassed, my face was red.

Finally, I don´t believe in the horoscope, I think that is Impossible that happened same things to much people, all person has different life, and they do different things.


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