Post 4: Veganism

Hello everyone, I hope you're all well. Today's blog is about Veganism. 

What does it mean to be vegan?
Being vegan means rejecting the use and consumption of all products of animal origin, people choose this lifestyle for various reasons, such as ethical, environmental and health reasons. 

Personally I chose not to eat meat for the first two reasons I mentioned, respect for animals is something that has been very present in my life this last time, although the consumption of meat is something traditionally accepted, I think it is not right to involve the suffering of living beings, for the sole purpose of consumption and marketing, meat is not something that is necessary to survive, as there are many ways to supply the nutrients and vitamins that are required to be healthy.

 The injustices and tortures that occur in slaughterhouses today is something that really makes me sad. On the other hand, the livestock industry involves a large use of water, and it is also one of those responsible for the loss of biodiversity and the emission of greenhouse gases. Meat consumption is totally unsustainable and I believe it should definitely end.

Resultado de imagen para veganismo


  1. Do you think more people will reduce their meat consumption in the future?


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